Cooper Landing / Soldotna Bus Service - Trip Details

Drive Time: 1 hr
Number of stops: None
Distance: 46 miles

Cooper Landing Pickup/Dropoff: Wildman’s Store - 19194 Sterling Hwy, Cooper Landing, AK 99572

Soldotna Pickup/Dropoff: Starbucks/Domino’s -

43981 Sterling Hwy, Soldotna, AK 99669


Southbound (Cooper Landing to Soldotna)

Cooper Landing Departure 4:15pm
Soldotna Arrival 5:15pm

Northbound (Soldotna to Cooper Landing)

Soldotna Departure 9:45am
Cooper Landing Arrival 10:45am

For additional travel details check our route and schedule page.

What to Expect

The drive between Cooper Landing and Soldotna is a direct trip with no additional stops.

Cooper Landing/Soldotna

The drive takes about an hour. Near Cooper Landing, the road winds along the bank of the legendary Kenai River; highly regarded by fishermen for its world-class salmon runs.

You’re all but guaranteed to see large numbers of fishermen trying their luck. Fishermen aren’t the only ones hoping to bring in some salmon, though. Keep an eye out for the occasional brown bear trying its own luck.

Closer to Soldotna, there’s a good chance of spotting moose so, be on the lookout.